The 6/7 FURLONG EQUATION!! NOW On Software!! Targeting High Percentage Situations in Sprint Races!


It’s definitely a spot-play method, but one you should DEFINITELY have in your spot-play arsenal.

The method is very easy to implement in paper version but ‘instant’ on Software and is a good ‘fit’ for multi-track play.

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Now On Software!!


This is what we like to see!

Rather than go through the difficulty of trying to develop a system that works under all conditions,

>>why not just get >>‘specific’ and target just certain areas of the game.

That’s just what Walt Owen has done with his The 6/7 Furlong Equation.

Here’s how it came about:

Walt, who as many of you know has been one of the game’s most prolific system writers of all time, was tinkering in his ‘workshop’, experimenting with a sprint-based system he had published in American Turf Monthly in the 1980’s.

He discovered that by changing just one rule, the system performed superbly on 6 and 7-furlong races.

Also on 6-1/2 furlongs, and 5-1/2 furlongs, not at a mile or over, but just at sprints, dirt and turf.

Walt does all of his research the old-fashioned way, i.e., by hand, but was so excited about the results he shipped the whole kit-and-kaboodle to us to do a thorough test.



And guess what we found? Sure enough, the system kicked butt at 5.5 to 7 furlongs but performed just so-so at the other distances.

And we do mean ‘kicked butt’.

Our test comprised just over 18,700 races and showed a 31.8% win rate at 5.5/6/6.5 furlongs with a positive ROI of +38%. And get this: A full 52% placed for a +44% positive ROI.

A modest profit was even realized by betting to show (+7%).

At 7-furlongs the results were even better. 36% winners, many at great prices, and a positive ROI of +49%.

>>Betting to place again exceeded the win with a +54% ROI!

This is good stuff guys!

It’s definitely a spot-play method, but one you should DEFINITELY have in your spot-play arsenal.

The method is very easy to implement in paper version but ‘instant’ on Software and is a good ‘fit’ for multi-track play.

We’d be willing to bet, that using $5 win wagers, you’ll have tripled your purchase price after your first week or so of play with the method, probably better!


Let’s Take a Look at the Software

The Software provides the player with the OPTIMAL 6/7 Furlong Plays in four different categories. 

1) The SPEED/PACE Advantage Horse is the Best Bet category.  These horses will win and place frequently and provide some solid mutuels to boot.

2) The 6/7 Strong Contender will usually appear when there is not Speed/Pace Advantage horse.  While these horses don’t hit as frequently as the above category, they often hit the board and should be included in your exotic plays.

3) Speedy’s HI% Exacta Box hit the Exacta close to 40% of the time, usually for a small layout, and the prices can be very nice as you can see from the examples below.

4) The Seven-Furlong box highlights strong plays in 7-Furlong races —  the overall ROI in this category was super.  As you know, though, 7-Furlong races are not carded all that frequently, but when a horse shows up in this box give it very serious consideration.




The Speed/Pace Advantage Horse needs to have at least a 7-point advantage in the TOTAL column to qualify for this box.  This was a perfect layup for 6/7 as the Exacta was also hit, boxing just two horses, for $32.80


Take a look at our database study for 7 Furlongs –  what this shows you is a ‘collective’ sample of the average number of Advantage horses that come up at 7-Furlongs for the average 30-day period.  This particular screen shows the HIT% and ROI in fields of 6, 7, 8 and 9 horses.  This is where the 7 Furlong races performed the best.  As you can see, ROIs varied from a low of +7.5% to a high of +117%.  As such,  restricting your play to 7F races with these field sizes will provide you with the best overall results.

In the manual, optimum situations will be listed for all the distances, from 5.5F to 7F.

Most professional horseplayers are ‘specialists’.  They concentrate on areas where their experience shows the best overall ROIs.  With the 6/7 Furlong Formula!, you will have a tool that allows you to specialize in sprint races, and sprint races are the most predictable of all races.

The 6/7 Furlong Equation Software is just $69.50$39.00 for the hard copy and $35.88 for the Ebook.

Call us at 1-800-696-0067 to order or go to our website

Thank You!


6/7 Furlong Ebook   $35.88

6/7 Furlong Hard Copy  $39.00

6/7 Furlong Software  $69.50