$49.00 – $125.00
Show-A-Profit, Plus! & Place To Win, II
Two Sensational, Proven Methods from the Worth Company –
A Letter From Jon Worth
The Tom Worth Company
Providence, RI
Dear Clients:
I first want to thank all of you who have supported our company over the years. As many of you know, my late father, Tom, started the business in 1949, and thanks to his remarkable innovations we are still one of the leading companies in the handicapping publications business today.
Many of you also know that our most popular product ever is Pops & Tips, a proven, methodical way to win at the races. We have customers who have been using P&T to win at the races for well over 30 years now. The interesting thing about Pops & Tips is that we were able to design many other winning methodologies based on the P&T concepts. Just to name a few: The S-UDB System, Place To Win, II, Show-A-Profit, etc.
All of these methods have proven out over eons of testing and actual play, with Show-A-Profit and Place To Win, II, topping the list, and those methods are the focus of the letter I’m writing you today.
Well, it’s been a long time in coming, but The Worth Company has finally vaulted into the computer age! If there has been a complaint about our methods in the past, it’s that they are rather tedious and take too much time to figure. Of course, since they produce profitable results, our clients grin and bear it nonetheless.
But now it’s going to be a whole lot easier. Thanks to the diligent work of Len Czyzniejewski, probably the best handicapping software programmer out there, both our Show-A-Profit, Plus and Place to WIN, II are now fully functional computer programs!
Even I’m amazed at how quickly my Show-A-Profit & Place To Win picks are staring back at me from my computer screen after I’ve downloaded the racecard (you download the $1 Brisnet drf file). And the results, my friends, thanks to a lot of tinkering, are even better than with the paper-and-pencil versions, if you can believe that! And for several reasons.
The original version of Show-A-Profit was developed strictly for handicapping Maiden races. But thanks to Len’s diligent work and expertise, the computerized version of the method now handicaps claiming, allowance and stakes races as well. And Place To Win, II has been enhanced with pace and turn-time boosters, making the most accuarate place-betting methodology around! And it works for win betting too.
The Show-A-Profit, Plus method is a very flexible method, especially when it comes to wagering. (By the way — the original Show-A-Profit program was just great, but with the ‘Plus’ version,we have added in additional ‘Tips’ (handicapping factors) that make the program even more accurate). You will hit over 80% of your show bets on Maiden races and close to 35% of your win bets. You’ll hit close to 75% of show bets on all other types of races and win close to 31% of the time at a nice average mutuel ($7.90).
The Show-A-Profit, Plus method is a very flexible method, especially when it comes to wagering. (By the way — the original Show-A-Profit program was just great, but with the ‘Plus’ version,we have added in additional ‘Tips’ (handicapping factors) that make the program even more accurate).
You will hit over 80% of your show bets on Maiden races and close to 35% of your win bets.
You’ll hit close to 75% of show bets on all other types of races and win close to 31% of the time at a nice average mutuel ($7.90).
In fact, when Phillips Racing Newsletter first reviewed Show-A-Profit, they said it could be called ‘Win-A-Profit’ as well!
If you are a conservative bettor you may choose to bet mostly to place and show. If you are inclined to more risk, by all means go for the win end and key the main contender in exotic bets with the other high ‘Tips’ horses (the program calculates the TIP points in playable races!).
The Place To Win, II method, which also got a high rating from PRN, is more of a ‘spot’ play, but you can expect to cash close to 50% of your place wagers and over 33% of your win wagers, so the program is great for both win and exotic betting!
I have a suggested wagering strategy that has produced optimal results over the years with both methods, and I will include that strategy with your package.
I know that you will find the Show-A-Profit, Plus/Place To Win II Software Package a huge enhancement to your racetrack play and bottom line.
The price is just $125 and remember, with all of the software we design, the $1 bris file not only gets you all the info you need for both programs to successfully handicap the racecards, but for that buck the software also generates a daily program and you can view an/or print out the past performances!
In you like consistency, you’ll love these two powerfully consistent software programs, and they all come to you in one making-your-horseplaying-life easier on you package! $125
%%TWO of the Winningest Systems of all time on one CD-ROM!
%%Downloads the $1 DRF File from Brisnet.com
%%The Software generates an Official Daily Program for the track(s) of your choice!
%%Past Performance Generator allows you to view or print out COMPLETE Past Performances!
%%‘Warnings’ Column alerts you to ‘false favorites’, ‘lobsters(stretch-quitters)’, and horses moving up from a lesser class track to a higher class track — this column alone will save you tons of wagering dollars by keeping you off the ‘baddies’.
%%The Kelly Class Rating is generated for every race and every horse. This is Len Cz’s personal, private class number and it is the best in the business.
%%Complete ‘How to Wager’ Instructions included. We will show you exactly how to use each program and how to combine programs for maximum profitable wagering advantage!
Also, and most importantly:
Show-A-Profit generates 4 to 5 solid plays per track per day. It works on all types of races, but the highest hit rate is still in the show-hole on Maiden races. However, the ROI is much stronger on the win end, and this is the case in Allowance and Claiming races as well. A $20 flat win bet at a sampling of nine recent racemeets, in fact, betting just to win over a one-month period, returned a smart profit of $2,871. And remember, this figure comes from hitting mostly low-priced horses, so your runouts are brief and you will be visiting the cashier’s window often — very often! Add in the Exacta and Trifecta plays, and the profits continue to increase. These results are very typical of the type of results you will get nationwide.
Additional information
Show-A-Profit | Software, Pencil Method |