Ultimate Racetrack Investor Software Package!
The Most Exciting Piece of Handicapping Software Ever Created.
URTI Extreme
Tom Console’s U.R.T.I. is the Most Exciting Piece of Handicapping Software Ever Created, yet the $795 retail price has put the program out of reach of many, many horseplayers. But we’ve taken care of that, offering you a HUGE DISCOUNT, and we’re going to include a sensational selection/bankroll-management strategy FREE! to boot!!
Ultimate Racetrack Investor Software Package!
Those of you who are familiar with Tom’s work know that he has been working on what he considered to be the ultimate handicapping software package for years now. But those years of research and programming, not to mention the thousands of dollars devoted to the project, has now paid off.
Tom calls URTI his ‘black box’. In the racing business, a ‘black box’ is loosely described as something you simply push the button on and out pops winning horses, enough winning horses to assure you a hefty and steady profit. It’s ‘automatic’, in otherwords — the software does the the thinking and selecting — you collect the profits.
You see, URTI is equipped with the most advanced ‘modeler’ ever designed for handicapping software. A modeler actually creates a ‘track model’ for you, showing you in exactly what type of races (claiming, allowance, filly-mare-male, turf, dirt, distance) you can make the most money. This is such an advanced concept that only a handful of handicappers out there are using this technology.
But now, with URTI, it’s available to you as well. But even if you choose not to use the modeler, for whatever reason, URTI will still make your racetrack days and nights much more profitable and enjoyable, especially when you apply racetrack pro Joe Carreo’s Bankroll Management & Wagering Strategies for URTI, which we include at no extra charge with your purchase. Joe actually did a 22,000 race study using URTI, and the strategies that he used to make URTI a profit powerhouse are clearly laid out for you to use as well. Trust me, Joe knows what he is doing — he’s one of the greatest strategists in the game.
The complete URTI package, the same package that many folks paid $795, is available to you from us for just $495!
That’s a full $300 off the retail price!
I know you’ll agree that this is one heckuva deal — an outright bargain — you can now own the ultimate ‘black box’ software for a greatly reduced price.
ROI Generator
Now, here’s what we did to make the program even better (see the printouts enclosed for more details):
W#1) We tightened up the ROI Generator play just a bit to get a bit higher average mutuel — so you will get fewer plays but a higher average payoff.
W#2) Thanks to the database study, we have added two additional angles/columns to generate plays. One we call the FORM INDICATOR. This we derived from taking the factor called ‘Form Speed’ and adding several other qualifiers. This column produces the same rate of winners and profits as the ROI play.
W#3) In our database study we identified a great longshot play, so we added another column(LS) that lets you know when a horse qualifies as a price play. You won’t get a lot of these but get this: the ROI on the longshot play was over 100%, that’s doubling your money!
W#4) On the printout, two additional features are available. First, we provide you with the ROI ‘Class’ ranking. This identifies the horses who have been most competitive at or around today’s class level. Also included on the printout are each horse’s last four running lines, which includes track, date, distance, class level, finish, odds, bris speed, etc.. This feature gives you added info about each runner if you choose to use it. If you want to view this info on screen, simply click on the horse’s name and all of the printout detail will appear.
W#5) While the action on the true qualifiers under the ROI and FI columns is limited, we will show you how to use the on-screen data to get more plays if you desire more action. While the overall win rate drops when using these alternative methods, they still prove profitable
and are very useful for Exacta and Trifecta play. While Chuck plays strictly to win and place, I developed these additional strategies on my own and use them daily.
So, buckaroos, what we have here is a darned potent selection method that guarantees a high win rate, a solid profit, no long runouts and is incredibly easy to use to boot.
Insta-Pick Pro
Welcome to Insta-Pick Pro!
Insta-Pick Pro is a powerful contender-selection program designed after Clint Tracy’s Private Racebook Method. Those of you who have the Private Racebook Method know how accurate the system is in picking not only the likeliest contenders, but also some great price plays and Exacta combinations.
This progam is especially valuable to players who simply don’t have the time to handicap or are no longer interested in spending a few hours every night pouring over the Racing Form. And we can guarantee you that Insta-Pick Pro will do a far better job of shaking out the likeliest contenders and winners than the average handicapper is capable of.
We have included several examples of racecards handicapped by Insta-Pick Pro. These are randomely chosen cards from mid-February — they weren’t chosen simply because they may have reflected well on the program. These cards are very representative of what you can expect from Insta-Pick Pro. You can see that while the program picks it’s share of short prices, the nice $10 and up win mutuels occur frequently. Also, take a look at the Mountaineer card with two huge win mutuels on the same evening, both picked #1 by Insta-Pick.
You can also see often, even when one of the three choices is not a winner, that one of the choices comes in 2nd and 3rd at big prices. This program is ideal for locating runners at good prices who are likely to be in the Exacta, Trifecta or Superfecta.
The way the program is structured, the #1 pick is the runner that picks up the most points via the various internal programs (pace, early and late, thrust factor, etc.). Therefore, that pick is the likeliest winner among the three. However, when the first pick is a very short price (6-to-5 or below), it’s worth taking a look at the other two and considering the second longest price as a win and place wager. In otherwords, if our top pick is even-money, our 2nd choice is 6-to-1 and our 3rd choice is 4-to-1, we would consider the 3rd choice a reasonable alternative to the short-priced favorite. The author and developer of Insta-Pick, Clint Tracy, is big on this method of use. He, of course, is a price player, and finds that Insta-Pick provides him with some great longshot opportunities. He also uses it to play the Pick 3’s. He looks for situations where of the three Pick 3 races, at least two of them are fields of 9 horses or more. He then uses all three Insta-Pick selections in each race, and will occasionally throw in some other horses he feels have a shot at winning, but he always uses the three Insta-Pick choices. ‘I have hit several $1,500+ Pick 3’s using this method,’ Clint tells us, ‘and most often it’s thanks to a big-priced Insta-Pick horse winning one of the legs of the Pick 3.’
If you don’t mind run-outs but like nice prices, you can approach Insta-Pick Pro from a ‘value’ standpoint. This means taking the longest price among the three choices, playing it to win and place, and using it as a ‘key’ in the Exacta. Now, we don’t only key the horse to the other two choices, but also to two other horses in the race. Here’s how this strategy works. Let’s say the longest price is #1, and our other Insta-Pick horses are #2 & #3. We would do a 1-2 exacta box and a 1-3 exacta box. But we would also look at the morning line for all the horses in the race, and make sure that our key horse is also in exacta boxes with the other two lowest morning line odds horses who are not one of our Insta-Pick choices. So, let’s say that our key, #1, is 8-to-1 on the morning line. Our other two Insta-Pick choices, #2 and #3, are at 2-to-1 and 5-to-1. So we look at the morning line and see that there is also a 3-to-1 (horse #4) shot and a 4-to-1 (horse #5) shot. We would then also do a 1-4 and 1-5 exacta box. In short, we always want to make sure our ‘value’ Exacta key is hooked up with the other two Insta-Pick horses, as well as the two other remaining lowest morning line odds horses in the race. This strategy has produced the best overall exacta results using Insta-Pick.
Of course, you can also simply box the three Insta-Pick horses in the Exacta. The key here is to avoid races where you have two of the likely favorites as your selections. In otherwords, if you have a situation where you have a horse at 5-to-2 or lower, and also a
3-to-1 horse and a 7-to-2 shot, chances are the Exacta isn’t going to pay a whole lot if you hit it. On the other hand, if one of those horses is 6-to-1 or better, or two or more of the Insta-Pick horses are at good odds, then playing a 3-horse box makes sense, as you have the chance to hit a biggie.
As far as Daily Doubles go, the best strategy we’ve seen is also the simplest. Simply criss-cross the three Insta-Pick selections in one race to the selections in the other race. You will hit a good percentage of Daily Doubles using this strategy and some of the payoffs will be surprisingly large.
Insta-Pick, of course, can also be used as a ‘tool’ in your overall handicapping. With the knowledge that one of the three Insta-Pick selections are going to win close to 60% of the time, and one or more will hit the board close to 80% of the time, sometimes at big prices, this provides the handicapper a shortcut, especially where the exotic bets like the Trifecta, Superfecta and Pick 3 are concerned.
Of course, probably the easiest way to use the program is to simply bet the First Pick to win. Also bet it to place if the morning line is 7-to-2 or better.
Insta-Pick is also great for players who like to ‘dutch’, i.e., playing more than one horse per race. This strategy is especially valuable when playing both a short price and a long price.
You’ll note that in some races that the choices under the 2nd or 3rd column say ‘NONE’. This occurs in races where only one or two of the horses can be rated by the software. This most often occurs in maiden races filled with first-timers or in races where several foreign runners are entered.
We know you’ll find Insta-Pick a welcome addition to your software handicapping collection. Whether you’re a harried horseplayer who needs instant, accurate selections, or a handicapper who really gets into the game and combines many aspects, Insta-Pick will serve you well. If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 1-800-696-0067. Enjoy your new software package!
Tom Console’s New
Win-ergy Plus!©
A Super ‘Energy’ Driven Software Program! Makes Life, and Handicapping, Easy on the Horseplayer! Profits on Straight Bets, Dutching, Exotics of all Types, Even The Pick 6!!
You log onto the brisnet.com website and download your file. Then, within seconds, you have the print-out of the entire racecard, a print-out so powerful that the winners and winning exotic wagers will literally jump right off the page! You’ve just entered the world of Win-ergy Plus!, friends, a new, powerful way of knocking ‘em dead at the racetrack!
Win-ergy Plus! is Tom Console’s new ‘energy’ driven computer program. What do we mean by ‘energy’. Well, if you’re familiar with the ‘feet-per-second’ concept, i.e., the number of feet and inches a thoroughbred covers in one second, you know that this pace theory is much, much more accuarate than using fifths of a second or measuring miles-per-hour. With the feet-per-second concept, you get an exact readout on the energy a thoroughbred expends during the course of the race. We can therefore accurately judge a horse’s early energy and reserve (or ‘late’) energy levels. This provides the player with the most accurate gauge of future performance in the game today.
What Can You Expect On a Typical Day with
Win-ergy Plus!? Plenty!!!
One thing we can promise you. When you use Win-ergy Plus!, you will never have a day when you don’t cash any bets. Never! Whether you’re using the suggested ‘dutch’ strategy; the ‘8-to-1 and higher across the board longshot’ angle; the ‘win-place wager on the top pick’; the 3 or 4-horse Exacta box, etc., you will cash winning tickets. EVERY DAY!!
Now, that doesn’t mean you’ll make money every day, but the vast majority of the time losing days will simply be small losers, since you are cashing tickets, and winning days have the potential of being huge!
Gulfstream 2/09/03 was a typical ‘GOOD’ day. 7 Trifectas and 6 Exactas were cashed, including a $862.80 Tri! Four of the top rated horses won, including one at $20 and one at $15. And just to show you the incredible power of this method, in the second race, our longshot play, who had the 3rd highest rating, clicked at an enormous $156.60 to win! Also, take a gander at the Golden Gate 8th on December 31, the first day we put the program to actual use. Top-rated Presidio Heights got the job done at $70.60!
Will everyday look like the above Gulfstream day? Of course not, but based on our experience, you can expect at least one day per week at each track like that that will totally blow you away and fill your pockets with $$$. And on any ‘typical’ day, you are going to cash several tickets and on most of those days, following our recommended betting strategies, make a profit.
The Win-ergy-Plus Program has been tested on over 650,000 races at 44 different racetracks. Our database tests showed an average of about six betting opportunites (betting strategies are included in your package) per racecard. Below is just a sampling of how some recent racemeets faired by making all win/place, exacta and trifecta bets. Profits are based on a $20 win/place bet, $5 exactas and $1 trifectas. Pick 3’s and Superfectas added even more profits.
Del Mar ‘02 – +$6,276
Saratoga ‘02 – +$7,890
Belmont ‘02 – +$11,878
Arlington ‘02 – +9,754
Lone Star ‘02 – +$14,706
Pimlico ‘02 – +$5,973
Gulfstream ‘02 – +$17,154
Lousiana Downs ‘02 – +9,988
Every track in our database showed a profit on this basis. The above were fairly typical of overall profit. Some less than stellar performers were Turf Paradise – +$3,202; Remington – +$2,976; Hoosier – +$2,566 and Beulah – +$1,977. BUT, they were still profitable. Interestingly, as this is being written we have been playing Gulfstream (Feb. 20, ‘03). The first four winners on the day were picked directly on top by Win-ergy Plus! Four exactas were cashed including an $80 and $140, and two trifectas were hit, one paying $311. Cashing tickets is every horseplayer’s #1 priority. Win-ergy Plus! makes cashing tickets Priority #1!
*No Complicated Readouts – Just One Screen per Race Provides You With All the Information You Need to Make Intelligent Wagering Decisions. This is so darned easy a 5-year-old, or a 95-year old could do it!
*All Profitable Bets are fully explained in the instructions you will receive. We will show you exactly how to play for profits using the Win-ergy Plus program! 3-Horse & 4-Horse Boxes will be used for most Exacta and Trifecta Wagers. Results betting the Pick 3, Pick 4 and even Pick 6 have been phenomenal with Win-ergy, and you will know exactly when and how to make these wagers. We GUARANTEE you will CASH MORE EXOTIC wagers with Win-ergy Plus! than you ever dreamed possible!!
If you follow the very simple, straightforward wagering suggestions, you will be cashing more tickets than you ever have before. And while Win-ergy Plus! certainly gets it’s share of $4 to $15 horses, you will find yourself on a regular diet of much bigger paying winners, and if you love the exotics like we do, you will hit some dillies!
It’s not a question of ‘if’ you will make money with the Win-ergy program. It’s how much money will you make. Whether you’re a conservative win and place bettor or a big Exacta, Trifecta, Pick 3, etc., fan, you will turn a profit using this program.
^^^^ In fact, and this is a real beaut!: If all you ever do with the Win-ergy program is bet any horse among the top three scorers who is at 8-to-1 or higher, regardless of the track or type of race, you will make a profit, and a darned nice profit. In fact, that $156 winner was what we call the Win-ergy ‘8-to-1 or Higher Across The Board Longshot Bet’.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by making the Win-ergy Plus! program a part of your everyday handicapping life.
I know the above sounds pretty strong — almost too good to be true. But all our results are based on successful tests from our 630,000-race database, as well as ‘real-time’ testing by 17 independent testers for a minimum 60-day period, each and everyone of whom found the Win-ergy Plus! program to be one of the most profitable they’ve ever used. And the introductory $125 price, which will go up to $195 in our next catalog, makes Win-ergy Plus an absolute steal. Call today, and we will get your copy out to you immediately. You are going to like what you see! We guarantee it!! See the enclosed examples. Notice how straightforward and simple they are. Don’t waste anymore time. Order Win-ergy Plus! TODAY!