$18.88 – $59.50
The Quick-Pic Daily Double Profit Wizard!
FREE!! Super High-Quality, Aluminum Body, World’s Greatest Handicapper LED (lighted) Pen!! A $19 value – comes with its own gift box!!
>>Says Don: ‘This is actually the second no-handicapping DD system I developed (>>P.S. – you are also going to get the other one in the Bonus described below!). I have looked at literally tens of thousands DD situations and am confident that this methodology will continue to work as well in the future as it has in the past.’
We looked at roughly 1,100 racecards at tracks both big and small (and Harness Tracks to boot!) and it’s remarkable that on most days you come home with a profit. The average number of Daily Double Wizard plays you will get on an average 9-race card is @3, depending on field size, and your hit rate, at most tracks, will be @41%.
➨Yep — That’s It! And trust us — you will be cashing in on as many (likely more!) Daily Doubles than the folks who spend hours handicapping!
So, what are you waiting for! You get: Don’s Quick-Pic Daily Double Profit Wizard!; his Complete DD Strategy Book; ++ A High-Quality LED Pen that You will enjoy for Years!
And all for the price of just $59.50 for the Hard Copies, or just $49.77 for the Ebooks!
Oh Yeah – and we’ve got the Software too! $79.90 and that includes everything else!
And you can get additional Pens for just $18.88 each, or two for just $35.00!
Call 😎us at 1-800-696-0067 or order from our Website
Additional information
DDWIZZ | Hard Copy, Ebook, Software, Pen, Pen2 |