$48.88 – $97.50
If you are a Denny Nash fan (and really, who isn’t!), then you are going be very excited about this announcement!
Denny Nashs’ Best Selling Watch & Win! is NOW on Software!
If you are a Denny Nash fan (and really, who isn’t!), then you are going be very excited about this announcement!
Denny Nashs’ Best Selling Watch & Win! is NOW on Software!
This took some doing, as our programmer Len and Denny had to work together to convert Denny’s ‘Intuitive’ masterpiece into some hard, fast rules that produced the same or better results than the original manuscript does.
And, after a couple of weeks of intense back and forth analysis, Mission Accomplished!
📺Watch The Video Click Here__
As most of you know, Denny is one of the top handicappers, and top authors, of all time. His Bet to Win for a Living! was a great success, and thousands of race fans are still beating the bottom line with the original book/software.
He also authored Handicapping Supremacy, The Rebound Method, Thoro-Profits, etc., all Best Sellers.
The Watch & Win Software! borrows from Bet To Win and then adds some unique twists that makes it a solid winner on its own.
An $85.40 Winner with this program is not a fluke!
Also on the above card: Pistol Liz Ablazin, 1st $4.20; BBBad just missed 12/1, $13 to place; Big Boys Answer 2nd 9/1, $8.40 to place; Quick Return 1st, $18.00 +$78.40 Exacta; Warrior’s Vendetta 1st, $4.20
Denny’s Philosophy:
“When you are betting horse racing, you must treat it like a business, even if it is only a hobby. Why? Because the goal is to have fun and make money. Why would you commit yourself to a hobby that can never show a profit? Where I come from it’s called pissing your money away. If that’s what you want to do, just send me a check every week. I’ll save you the time of going to the race track.
“That said, you have to always bet value. And my friend there is value in each and every race that’s run, to some degree. Is every race worth betting? No. Should you bet every race? No. How can you know which races to bet? Easy. Only bet races where you can make a nice score. I’ll show you how.”
👉👉So what Len has done is taken Denny’s original system, which is basically a ‘no handicapping required’ type of system (you can read about it below), and developed rules that mimic other high % Denny Nash systems, and thru in a few very nifty algorithms that pumped up the overall average win mutuels (average close to $9) and high % Exacta play. Take a look at the examples below:
The above were both on the same Parx card, by the way
You will also get some great place and show payoffs
So you can see that Denny’s Genius again translates perfectly into software, and you will love the consistency and price-getting ability of this new, sensational program. If you want to read more about the ‘text’ part of Denny’s theory, read below, or go straight to our website to order. 👉And remember, the Ebook comes FREE! with the Software.
Theory Explanation of the System

Denny Nash’s WATCH & WIN!
is one of those rare works that advertises ‘No Handicapping Needed, No Past Performances Needed’, that actually fits that bill.
>>>Denny has designed a unique and extremely simple methodology that requires only the Morning Line odds and the Tote.
Anyone can implement it whether at the track, the racebook or from your easy chair at home.
The concept is extremely sound, and it is unique among all of the Tote methods we have evaluated in the past.
(P.S. – Denny, in fact, published another popular book called Bet to Win for a Living. We have seen only portions of this book but most what appears in Watch & Win is also contained here. As you can see, this particular book goes for a huge premium on the websites that still have copies.)

From Denny:
“Now, what if I told you there is a way to bet any race, regardless of track conditions, headaches, heartaches or whatever and cash winning tickets time after time after time? No handicapping is needed. No racing form is needed.
Winning at the track consistently is not that difficult and I’m going to prove it to you. After readingt his system, you’ll be cashing more and more winning tickets tomorrow, and well into the future.
You’ll be making profits, enjoying your surroundings without all the time-wasting handicapping. You just need to keep track of odds and your money. That’s it.”
And …
You will be implementing the methodology correctly just minutes after you read the rules. In our tests we averaged 39.9% winners and an overall ROI of +32.7%. Here is the table of contents:
The examples presented are clear cut and easy to understand — you will have no doubt when a play(s) come up. There are three different ways to play, depending upon how the odds come up, and payoffs range from $6 to all the way up to $40+. Most will be in the $6 to $14 range.

And we have priced it very reasonably, only $97.50 for the new software 👉👉(ebook comes free when you purchase the software), just $55 for the hard copy and $48.88 for the Ebook
You will enjoy Denny’s Methodologies — you literally do not have to pick up a Racing Form, ever, with his systems. And the New Software makes it even easier!!!
Call us at 1-800-696-0067 or order from our website and, of course, call us with any questions.
Watch & Win Software $97.50
Watch & Win Hard Copy $55.00
Watch & Win Ebook $48.88
Additional information
W&W | software, ebook, hardcopy |