Armchair Profits! So what can a 24-Year-Old College Computer Whiz-Kid Handicapper, Who Majors in Probability Theory, Do For You?



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The Software



Armchair Profits was designed by a young computer scientist — a fellow that was able to look at literally thousands of factors and test thousands of combinations.  What he came up with appears rather simple on paper, but the key was that he located the correct ‘combination’ of factors to produce winning results.  

Let’s take a look at the Columns:

TOT:  Total of the columns and leading indicator for plays.

SPD:  The highest recent speed rating.

WIN: a number indicating a horse’s recent win record

PLC: a number indicating a horse’s recent place (2nd) record

SHO: a number indicating a horse’s recent show (3rd) record

LEN: a number indicating a horse’s recent close-up finishes (within 3 lengths of the winner)

ODD1:  Last closing odds rating

ODD2:  Second last odds rating

JOC:  Jock’s recent or ytd win %

Comments:  reason a horse may not qualify.  ‘No great race in 90 days’ means horse does not have a qualifying race within that period.  ‘Morning line less than 5/2’ is self explanatory.  Other comments may indicate a horse with limited starts, etc.

Armchair Win/Place horse:  This is overall the best program play — recommendation here is to bet to win and place, with more money on the place than the win.

Armchair Price Play:  A horse who scores well who is also has a morning line of 8/1 or higher.

Speculative Trifecta Box:  A logical Trifecta box — this play appears only in races of 8 entries or more — hits at @18% rate and payoffs are often large.  Another way to play is to use the first number in the box (look at the Tiz A Billy race above) and key that horse 1st and 2nd in the Tri.  In this case you would have two Trifecta tickets, at 5 with 8-11-7-6 with 8-11-7-6  —  the other ticket would be  8-11-7-6 with 5 with 8-11-7-6.

Gaps in TOT column:  Overall, horses with a 15 point or larger gap over the second highest scoring horse won or places 4.5% more often than horses without that gap.

Armchair Profits Hard Copy   $55.00

Armchair Profits Ebook  $49.88

Armchair Profits  $127.00

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Armchair Profits

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