The Only Trifecta Wagering
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– A thorough discussion of why the Trifecta is quickly becoming the pro’s choice. Andy Beyer got it right again!
– A brief discussion of the mathematics of the bet. Does the high takeout really matter? Or does the largely ignorant public make this bet a gift!
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– Expert playing tips from authors Dave Powers and Jeff Goldstein!
– Illustrated with actual photocopies of real Trifecta tickets to make all the strategies even easier to understand. You’ll be calling out winning Trifecta tickets like a pro in no time!
The Only Trifecta Wagering Book You’ll Ever Need!
is, simply put, the only Trifecta wagering book you’ll ever need! Really! See the guy next to you cashing the $3,300 ‘Tri— he’s likely got the book! It’s well written, to the point and very reasonable priced at $29.95. Endorsed by Cramer/Olmsted and PRN. “If you play the Trifecta, you need this book!”
The Only Trifecta Wagering Book You’ll Ever Need