Tom Console’s
Personal Handicapping 2.0 Report Software Program!
Sizzling Accuracy! High Average Mutuels+ Longshots!

Includes Tom’s Personal Profit Plays! – Detailed and completely explained in the Manual

👉Includes Tom’s Personal Profit Plays! – Detailed and completely explained in the Manual
Also Includes FREE!!! Tom’s Professional Money Management Investment Fund Bankroll Strategy & Tom’s Personal Racebook Method Ebook!!

QUICK and EASY to use! A couple of mouse clicks and you’re in like Flynn! (Uses the BRIS $1 single file format data file).
EASILY shows you winners.
EASILY hands you juicy longshot plays….some (3) have paid over $200 on a $2 win bet!!!!
Great for novice or pro, no matter what your betting style may be.
Great for win, place, show, exacta, Pick 3/4/5/6, favorites, longshots, trifectas, etc..
Print each race individually, or all on a condensed tidy report that prints on a single page!
👉UPDATED FORMULA’S for the 2023 TCPHR make it even more accurate and powerful!

At the top where you see the track (AQU) and right under that you see ‘Stretch’ – this top section shows in parenthesis after the word Stretch: the average lengths behind the horse has been turning into the stretch in order of which horse is normally closest to the lead. BEST: = each horses top speed rating in the past 10 months. LATE PACE = the best closers in the race. S1 and S2 show horses who are most prominent in the early going, calls #1 and #2.
This info alone provides the player with wealth of info, and is prominently used in Tom’s Personal Plays, which are included in the manual. Then below on the main part of the screen:
H#…the actual saddle cloth betting number of the horse.NOTE: In each race, there will usuallybe 2 horses with a # symbol after the horse number. These are my WINMORE EXPRESS picks. Winmore Express is a pace based program I released a few years back. This is the main rating and the horses that are top get the # symbol.
Name…the name of the horse.
ML…Morning Line odds
BPP…BRIS Prime Power rating. This is a power rating computed by BRIS.
SPEED…A Speed Rating calculated by the TCPHR Software. After the speed rating you will see the ranking in parenthesis, such as 78 (3), meaning the horses speedrating is 78, and it is 3rd best in the race.
Also, before the speed rating you will usually see 3 horses with an X before them. These are the 3 final RED (R) system contenders.
DA…Days Away (and number of works since last race in parenthesis). The number of days since the horse last raced. The number will be in BOLD if the horse is returning in 45 days or less, and if 46 or up, its not in bold. This is a great ‘quick-check’ on a horse’s recency.
>>LRC/F...This is the Last Race Class/Finish. It is telling you the class of the last race, along with the finish position and beaten lengths. This rating as well as the ones listed below show you that the program is looking at a minimum of five races for each horse. The program calculates the algorithms for this info to make selections, but you can tell at a quick glance if a horse is improving in finish position/lengths beaten or going the other way.
>>2RC/F…same as LRC/F (above) only this one is for the 2nd race back
>>3RC/F…same for the 3rd race back
>>4F…finish position and beaten lengths of the 4thrace back.
>5F…finish position and beaten lengths of the 5thrace back.
BSTY…Best BRIS Speed rating the horse received this year.
BSLY…Best BRIS Speed rating the horse received last year.
LTW…This is an All New system on its own that picks horses Likely To Win. Worth the price of the software alone in my opinion! It does not have a play in every race obviously, but when it pops up, give that horse an extra, extra close look!
This is a new feature in TCPHR Version 2 is selecting final contenders. Along the top of the screen, when you have any race opened, you will see an option called CONTENDERS. If you click it, 3 options appear. They are:
ML…This would use the Morning Line Odds to select the final contenders after some eliminations the program uses. So it would NOT always be using the 3 morning line favorites, as the program may have eliminated some based on preprogrammed rules.
BPP…same as ML, but instead of using the ML Odds, it uses the BRIS PRIME POWER rating.
SPEED3…This is the original formula, using the Best Speed in last 3 races, again, after eliminations, to select the final contenders.
You can play around with whichever works best at your track. If you do not want to bother, I would suggest using SPEED3 like the original, or BPP, as it is very strong too.
“Has Tom given away the store here? While there is an absolute wealth of critical information for the horseplayer to digest and the selections are super accurate, plus great longshots, Tom provides several of his personal plays in the manual. And, I’ve got to tell you, by following his suggested plays and doing nothing else, I found myself close to $1400 ahead after two weeks, and I am just a $20 bettor. His ‘personal’ plays are simple to locate and exceptionally accurate. While I love everything about the program, I’m hoping not too many folks will catch on to these plays and lower the mutuels. Guess I shouldn’t be so greedy, but this has really been fun!”Greg Steele, Systems & Methods Magazine
“This program shows that even the average horseplayer can approach winning from several different angles, all well explained and easy to follow. Have seen some amazing Longshots and the consistency of the multi-color systems, especially the RED, are mind-blowing at times. I have seen cards where every horse that received at least two colors, like RB, or GO, have run 1st or 2nd for three days or more running. Was wondering if Tom was going to ever come out with another program. Glad he did and glad it’s this one!” Toby Barnett, Saratoga Springs, NY
As you can see, there is a lot of info here for those of you who like to dig deeper. But for quick study….the Condensed Summary Report can be used also, which provides you with the final selections race by race, for you to look at and select your plays.

The Condensed Report (above) will show the following:
R#…Race Number
BEST…The horse with the BEST SPEED in the past 10 months.
Note: Years ago, when studying the Racing Form, I used to use marker pens, red, green, blue and orange, to highlight what I thought to be strong situations in the pps.
In fact, one of my earlier programs was called ‘Multi-Colors’ which featured four different systems, each represented by a different color.Those systems continued to evolve and now each and every one of them show longterm profits. These are included in this program, and picks are designated by the following letters. I explain how best to use these very powerful systems in the Users’ Manual.
(R)RED…The horse that is TOP in the “RED” System
(G)GREEN…The horse that is TOP in the GREEN system
(B)BLUE…The horse that is TOP in the BLUE system
(O)ORANGE…The horse that is TOP in the ORANGE system
BSTY…Horse with the Best Speed This Year.
BSLY…Horse with the Best Speed Last Year.
The last column is up to you if you want to use. It will have 1 of 3 things there. If it says PASS, then it is saying not all of the needed info was in the file. This usually means it’s a maiden race with lightly raced horses or first timers. Also, if it’s a TURF race, the word TURF will be there. And finally if there is nothing there, it is just a dirt race with all the needed info.
ALSO…if a horse number in is parenthesis such as (5), that means its morning line odds are 6-1 or higher, signifying good “value”.
Under this it shows race by race, the estimated post-times.

I have my own personal plays that have worked year in, year out and they are completely explained in the easy to read manual.You may come up with your own favorite plays, or use mine. But either way I guarantee that you will find my Tom Console’s Personal Handicapping Report Software! a quick and easy way to pick winners and exotics, make money and get back to having fun at the races!

👉So You are Getting an Extremely Powerful Software Program that provides the user with an incredible array of handicapping info that will benefit players at every level of the game.
👉Tom’s Personal Plays! explained in detail that he uses daily to profit from the races.
👉Tom’s Professional Handicapper’s Investment Fund Money Management Plan Ebook.
Tom’s My Personal Racebook Method Ebook.
All for one very reasonable low Price!👇

I have also worked out what I feel is a very good deal for our customers with Dave. I told him that I would forego my usual part of the sales and lower it so that Dave, since he is doing all the promotion work, can charge a very affordable price for TCPHR and still realize a reasonable return for his company on the sales.
So while the suggested RPM retail would be $148, you will instead pay only $97.50. And, of course, there is a full money-back guarantee.