$44.88 – $79.50
A Racetrack Insider Shows You Exactly How to Spot Stable ‘Coups’!
And It Works! At All Tracks! At All Levels of Racing! $10 & Up Payoffs are the Norm, Not the Exception!
You are a former racehorse owner who conspired with your trainers to set your horses up for a big run and, for you and your stable, a big mutuel payoff score?
And, what if your wagers, based on a flat $20 win bet, returned more than $50,000 over a 3-year period.
And … what if, after you retired from racehorse ownership, you decided to write up and explain exactly how to spot these ‘set-up’ paydays simply by gazing at the past performances and circling the factors that broadcast the trainer/owner’s intentions?
Well, there are no more ‘What Ifs’. Former racehorse owner Carl Angel has done exactly that.
He has created a perfect roadmap for the horseplayer to locate horses that are being manipulated by the trainer to run a big race, usually at a big price.
Let’s Listen to Carl:
“The Owner’s Benefit System has been very good to me, both for winning purses and, especially, cashing big bets. I don’t want to tell you exactly how much I bet or won, but I will tell you that if you based it on a $20 win wager, over my first three years of betting this system, over $50,000 was realized. After I sold my last racehorse and got out of the business, I took a few years off to travel, but then about 8 years ago the ‘bug’ bit me again, and I again began betting the system again, and was pleasantly surprised to see that nice profits were still being realized.
“The system is based on the most important factors in racing — finding capable horses that are entered especially for the owner’s (or trainer’s) benefit — to give them the opportunity to cash a good-sized bet as well as a check for winning the fat end of the purse.
“Most players, and all horsemen, know that most horses do not earn enough purse money to pay for their keep. The costs are very high and can run much higher if the animal becomes ill.
“To help balance the books, a clever trainer will look for a spot where his charge has a substantial class or condition advantage, and give the horse one of more races to ‘tighten him up’ for a maximum effort. It is important that the horse does not run too well in his prep race because too strong an effort would tip his good form and hurt his odds in his next start.
“There are two types of Owner’s Benefit Plays — Best Bets & Regular Plays. As you might expect, the Best Bets win more often. Regular Plays win about the same % as favorites, but at higher prices.”
We have been trying to publish this method for quite some time, waiting for Carl to give us permission. After he sent it to us last Fall he began to have second thoughts, thinking that wide distribution would hurt his mutuels. We assured him that a couple hundred systems sold to mostly modest bettors would have no effect whatsoever on prices, so he agreed to allow us to distribute The Trainer-Owner Benefit System.
***Now, the Trainer/Owner Benefit System is a spot-play method that will average two to three solid plays per card. Carl sent us seven weeks of his plays at Gulfstream, Evangeline, Santa Anita and Penn National. He showed a 34.5% win rate with Best Bets at an average mutuel of $11.10 (among the winners, though, were $54, $41, $37 and several $20+ winners). We checked out all of his plays and, if anything, he was too conservative, as we found several other win/place horses who qualified but he apparently did not play. At any rate, you are talking an ROI of over +58%.***

➽This is DEFINITELY one you want to have in your handicapping arsenal. Even when these horses don’t win, they place close to 54% of the time and show almost 78% of the time.
The rules are very straightforward. It’s basically an ‘elimination’ method – with the last horse standing the play. There are no point counts or any math whatsoever involved. And, if you purchase the software, there is no figuring whatsoever, of course.
The Software
The T/O Software takes care of everything for you, all the calculations at a click of a mouse! Screenshots below.
➽➽And, the REAL GOOD NEWS is that Carl, who is obviously a man of ‘means’, was not interested in charging an arm and a leg for the method, so the paper version is just $49.50!
The Ebook is just $44.88 and the Software $79.50!
Bottom Line is that you have nothing to lose (especially since there is a full money-back guarantee) and everything to gain with this consistent price-getting profit angle.
Call us at 1-800-696-0067 to order, or go to our website www.rpmhandicappinggiant.com
And, of course, call us if you have any questions whatsoever
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T/O Paper Version $49.50
T/O Ebook $44.88
T/O Software $79.50
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