Positive Expectancy Handicapping!
Supreme Consistency, Above Average mutuel prices and a very accurate 4-horse Exacta box algorithm.
Positive Expectancy Handicapping!
So what if you take five of the most critical handicapping factors:
Recent Races
Recent Odds
Running Position
and then ‘weight’ each factor, based on the author’s research, and then combine them to forecast the most likely winner/in-the-money horse?
Well, Tapper Shroud (his real name!) of Pittsburgh, PA, has done just that.
While we have seen and programmed systems that include these factors,
we have not seen it done quite this way, ☞and the result is supreme consistency, above average mutuel price and a very accurate 4-horse Exacta box algorithm.
Watch the Video Click Here___
The Concept of ‘Positivity’
A good dictionary definition: ‘Positivity is the act of training your brain to think and respond to situations calmly and optimistically. It takes time and a little effort every day, but the rewards can be life-changing. The definition of positivity is only helpful if you can put the words into action.’
So, how does this relate to producing successful, accurate handicapping software?
Very simply, a computer is a very accurate simulation of the human brain.
It can process tons and tons of information virtually instantly where the human brain can only handle small amounts of data at a time. In addition, while both the computer and our grey matter ‘learns’ and uses that learning to ‘train’ to respond to future situations, it can take years to train the human brain/mind, but the computer discerns and recognizes positive patterns almost immediately.

Tapper tells us: ‘My training as a clinical psychologist has enabled me to observe the sometimes amazing life transformations that can take place in individuals who practice positivity on a regular basis.
‘And it’s funny; I’ve been a horse race fan since my college days, mostly on weekends as a hobby, but it wasn’t until years later, when I became aware of the fact that there was actually software out there to help handicap the horses (my first programs were from Dick Mitchell and Dave Powers), that it occurred to me that the concept of ‘positivity’ should certainly work using a computer ‘brain’ as well. I thus embarked on a quest to identify the most critical, positive handicapping factors and find a way to combine them into a successful racing system.
‘And while it took me quite a while to get the formulation to my satisfaction, the resulting system of play is pretty much everything I’ve always desired: Consistency, Solid average Win Mutuels, an Exacta Strategy I could rely upon and, most importantly: PROFITS. I call it Positive Expectancy Handicapping!
‘Now, I simply needed someone to translate my ideas onto software, and luckily I was put in contact with Len Cz, RPMs Programmer/Handicapper. And the result is that the software is even more accurate than the paper version thanks to several programming ‘tricks’ that Len used in the software. All I wanted out of this arrangement was my own personal copy, and I told Len that he was welcome to market the program at any price he saw fit.’

▶︎The Positive Expectancy Handicapping Software
As Tapper mentioned, Len did add some features that work in the ‘background’, like Turn-Time calculations and more specific Trainer considerations, but the bottom line is that the Software Produces:
A Win Rate of @35.3%, a Win/Place rate of @52%, an average win mutuel close to $8 and a Positive ROI of +37% on Best Bets. The Exacta Box Strategy hits at close to 42% of the time. Let’s look at some screen shots:
The first four screen shots are from May 1st at Churchill, Kentucky Derby Day. In the course of our testing over the years, we have found that if a system works well on some of the highest quality racing days, like KY Derby, Belmont, Breeders’ Cup, etc., it will work even better on ‘average’ days and even better still at smaller, i.e., class B and C tracks. PEH had seven picks on this day, no pick in the Derby, but it produced 4 Winners and two 3rds from the 7 Top Picks!
PEH is a spot play with an average of @4 plays on a 9-race card. You will often see all or most of the selections hit the board. On the below card there were just three plays with two winners, Parrot Head in the 2nd and Exulting in the 8th.
“Thanks, as always, for letting me test PEH and PTBH. As I may have told you before, I am a conservative player and love Consistency. Both of these programs are super consistent, and PEH strikes some nice prices and Exactas as well. You guys just keep coming up with gems – thanks so much!” Bert Peters, Baltimore, beta-tester #3
“Great hit rate, win, place and show, and love the Exacta box algorithm on PEH. I know how hard you guys work on these programs, but all that hard work definitely pays off!” Tom Console, handicapping author

The Positive Expectancy Handicapping Software! is an excellent, accurate and high % spot-play system that will provide you with many, many trips to the Cashier’s Window.
☞We have priced it at just $88.88, >>>>BUT ….. ☞We are also throwing in our PLAY THE BEST HORSE SOFTWARE! for FREE!!!
Play The Best Horse! is a Super Spot Play Method based on an idea from Joe Alberti. Often there is only one or two plays per card, but your win rate, at all tracks, will be close to 46%. So you can rely on this program to, indeed, provide you with the Best Horse to play. Prices will normally be in the 8/5 to the 5/1 range.
You have to be patient with this one, but the overall ROI using all U.S. tracks was +22.3%.
And the great thing is, when you purchase Positive Expectancy Handicapping!, ☛it won’t set you back a dime, because we are including it Absolutely FREE!!
So give us a call at 1-800-696-0067 or order from our website. And, of course, call us with any questions you may have.