this is NEW & Guaranteed to Produce Excellent Profit Results — for FREE!!***
— So have fun with this method – Trust Me — You Will! —
Below are a couple of screen shots from the SSS Software — The program isolates only playable races and provides the user with dynamite ratings that point the way to the likeliest winners and exotics plays — A complete guide on how to best play with the software is included.
Even a brief test-run will show you just how much more often you will visit the cashier’s windows, often to receive a hefty Exacta, Trifecta or Superfecta payoff.
$49.97 – $79.90
Tom Console’s Super Popular Live Seminar –
now with the Essential Winning Rules Condensed in one Amazing,
Easy to Use Publication in Ebook & Hard Copy!
***And LOOKIE Here: The SSS (Super Seminar System) Software is also NOW available!
***AND…. you will also receive Dr. Robert Anthony’s Simplified Power Parlay Method —
this is NEW & Guaranteed to Produce Excellent Profit Results — for FREE!!***
Check this out:
Last June 120 horseplayers paid $495 each to hear Tom Console’s now-famous 4 hour lecture on how he and his brother Steve,
who also gave a presentation, HAVE BEATEN THE RACES ON A STEADY BASIS SINCE THE 1980s!
At the meeting’s conclusion, the participants left with the tools and knowledge to do the same.
Many of the participants we talked to were amazed at not only the simplicity of the methodology Tom and Steve introduced,
but of how effective the method was at cashing tickets and turning a profit in the initial two-week runs they completed at their favorite track(s).
Jack R. of Dallas told us:
“It turns out that my own handicapping was almost there.
But what Tom taught me was that you can be doing all the right things —
but not be doing them in the right combination.
He showed us how when all of the seven simple elements were present on a contender that your chances of cashing a wager were considerably higher.”
“This isn’t magic”, Tom says, “it’s simply ‘LOGIC’. It’s doing the right things in the proper order — that’s really all there is to it.
Of course it took me years of testing and actual play to determine this logical order of picking winning racehorses,
and I have incorporated much of this in many in my many software programs,
but here Steve and I show you a logical way to pick winners consistently from the past performances.
I still buy past performances daily — usually the Racing Form, and despite all of my computer knowledge I still get a thrill from perusing the pps and selecting horses.
While the participants got hands-on experience at the racebook where we presented the seminar (it was held at the Wynn casino in Las Vegas – and we did hit with a $29 Winner, an $18 winner, a $377 exacta and $519 trifecta from the 10 races we focused on that day),
we decided to offer a condensed version of the seminar in print form and Dave Powers told us he’d be happy to offer:
an Ebook & Hard Copy format to his customers.
Once the purchaser reads and follows the simple format we present he will approach the game with much more confidence,
knowing that he will have a solid contender who will almost always run his race.
Look at the results:
You are going to get close to 36% winners on the regular plays.
Our ‘select favorites’ will hit 42% of the time.
And the real bonanzas will come in the exotics.
While you have to ‘spread’ a bit using our strategies, you will hit some big exacta, trifecta and superfecta payoffs using horses that will be
‘flying under the radar’ so to speak as far as the pubic view goes but our system will nail these overlays again and again.
And that, my friends, wraps it up.
If I am away from my computer or just feel like getting the old ‘hands-on’ handicapping feeling I use this method to handicap multiple tracks,
and at some of the smaller circuits I put a bit more emphasis on the jock/trainer %’s as stated in the Las Vegas Handicapping Bible.
***What I can also tell you, though, is that my friend, Stanley Keeler, took it upon himself to conduct a 36-month test at several major racetracks.
The PrimePlays won at an average rate of 35.9% with an average mutuel of $8.57.
The top choice hit the Exacta 51.2% of the time and finished at least 3rd 81.3% of the time. When he limited the Prime Play odds to 4-to-1 minimum, he got less action but bumped the ROI up to +46%.
— So have fun with this method – Trust Me — You Will! —
If used as described above, it can only improve your game — and it most cases, vastly improve your game – expect to cash much more often with very steady profits.
P.S. – also included is Dr. Robert Anthony’s Simplified Power Parlay Method — this is as easy as it gets and works especially well on place and show wagers.
P.P.S. – Dave & Len of RPM have converted this entire method to software as well —
****They named it the ‘Triple S’, or Super Seminar System — so the software, too, is now available.
Below are a couple of screen shots from the SSS Software — The program isolates only playable races and provides the user with dynamite ratings that point the way to the likeliest winners and exotics plays — A complete guide on how to best play with the software is included.
SSS works on all types of races — take a look at the Breeders’ Cup Day in November at Santa Anita —
Multiple winners, including $40, $14 & $13 — several exactas, including a $245 payoff and a $2,418 Trifecta in race #6!
Most of these exotic payoffs are comprised of 4-horse boxes.
And the pricing is very reasonable —
just $49.97 for the Ebook
$59.50 for the Hard Copy
$138.00 for the Software which includes the Hard Copy
SSS works on all types of races — take a look at the Breeders’ Cup Day in November at Santa Anita —
Multiple winners, including $40, $14 & $13 — several exactas, including a $245 payoff and a $2,418 Trifecta in race #6!
Most of these exotic payoffs are comprised of 4-horse boxes.
Very little thinking is required with SSS — you will be given the optimal races to play with the optimal win/place and exotic wagers —
Even a brief test-run will show you just how much more often you will visit the cashier’s windows, often to receive a hefty Exacta, Trifecta or Superfecta payoff.
Call us at 1-800-696-0067 to order or with any questions — or order through PayPal by clicking on one of the BUY NOW buttons below.
How I Beat The Races Ebook – $49.97
How I Beat The Races Hard Copy – $59.50
How I Win at the Races SSS Software – $138.00 (includes Hard Copy paper version as well)
How I Win at the Races SSS Software – wholesale $79.90
Additional information
How I Beat The Races | wholesale, Software, Hardcopy, ebook |