Proven Profit Angles for Saratoga & Del Mar!! 21 Years of Research That Can Help Fill Your Pockets with Cash at the Two Most Popular Racemeets in America!! +++FREE! The Tri-Factor Continuum!


Disneyland may be the ‘happiest’ place on earth for many —

But for most horseplayers, Paradise on Earth takes the form of the Del Mar and Saratoga Summer Meetings! 

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Disneyland may be the ‘happiest’ place on earth for many —


But for most horseplayers, Paradise on Earth takes the form of the Del Mar and Saratoga Summer Meetings! 


Del Mar & Saratoga are the two highest attendance and highest mutuel handle tracks in the country on a per-day basis.  And that’s important …. very important, to the fortunes of serious players. 

Why? Because these huge daily handles include tons of betting dollars from fans who have no clues at all about competent handicapping.  Therefore, there’s a lot of ‘uninformed’ money floating around in the mutuel pools, and all those dollars are just waiting there for the serious and ‘informed’ players to pocket.


>>>Now, no two ways about it, Del Mar & Saratoga are among the toughest racemeets to beat in the country.  You need to have an edge.  And an ‘EDGE’, a serious EDGE, is what we are offering you today.

As you may know, RPM has one of the largest horse race databases in the country.  And with this database we are able to test literally thousands of ‘what if’ scenarios to come up with angles that show long term profits.


Often these angles are ‘track specific’.  In otherwords, they work at some tracks, or a certain track, but not at others.

We have over 21 years of data to test these angles, and when we turned our attention to Del Mar & Saratoga, we came up with four solid Profit Angles for each track.  (Actually, we discovered these angles several years ago and have continued to test them year after year and they have continued to perform brilliantly.)

So we are offering this eight-angle package to all of our clients.  We’d prefer that you do not share these angles, since the fewer fans in the know will mean higher mutuels for the rest of us, but we can assure you that if you follow these very simple angles to the letter, you will be cashing many more tickets, some at great prices, than you would have without this knowledge.  Here are the angles:


Del Mar

  1. The Juvenile Stakes Profit Windfall  –  Del Mar is where the 2 year olds really blossom and this angle will catch 42%+ winners and 64% win/place.

  2. The Better Late Then Never Maiden Winners Angle  –  The older Maiden/Maiden Claiming ranks are thinning talent-wise at this time of year.  Here’s how to pick up a good share of these winners and often at a good price.  Picked a $71 and $32 winner in 2020.

  3. The Del Mar Turf/Tote Angle  –  Maximize your profits on the Turf with this easy-to-figure angle.  No tote-watching involved.  Has shown a steady +@17% ROI over the years.  Doesn’t sound like much?  What’s the bank paying?  How about 1/3 of 1%!

  4. The 7-Furlong Formula  –  7 Furlongs is what is known as a ‘specialty’ distance  –  certain horses can handle the taxing distance but many others cannot.  Here’s how to locate the winner over 38% of the time.  Has averaged a +33% profit over the last decade.



  1. The Saratoga Dirt Route Angle  –  one of the toughest types of races to handicap at Saratoga.  But with this angle you will cash 34%+ of the time and often at some seriously heavy duty mutuels!

  2. The Saratoga Slammer!  –  perhaps one of the best longshot angles ever developed!  Works at most tracks but is especially potent at Saratoga.  $83, $77, $55, $43 mutuels at last meet.

  3. The Ultimate Saratoga Winning Trainer Angles  –  If there is anything that is truly ‘consistent’ about Saratoga, it’s that certain trainers come back year after year after to win races when certain claiming, allowance or Stakes conditions are in play.  Why the general public hasn’t caught onto these, who knows!  All the better for us since we can still cash in on top trainers at decent mutuels.

  4. Dan Serra’s Super Secret Saratoga Cash-In Angle  — the late Dan Serra was one of the best system writers of all time.  His Super Secret angle works superbly at most tracks, but is even better, pricewise, at Saratoga.  High % win/place/show.

The Reality is that you are going to have a very difficult time beating these meets with conventional handicapping.  These extremely well-researched angles will provide you with knowledge that only a small handful of bettors possess.  The pricing is very reasonable, with the hard copy going for $49.50 and the Ebook $44.88!

ANNDDD …….   Order by Sunday, July 18, and we will include a methodology that has a proven record at both tracks:

The Tri-Factor Continuum!!!

a $59.50 value, this easy to figure system works well at all tracks, large and small, and it’s yours Absolutely FREE!!


Call us at 1-800-696-0067 or order from our website