Contenders & Pretenders Software
$48.88 – $77.77
A Proven Way to Eliminate The Losers & Focus on the Winners!
Just about every professional in the racing game will tell you that they begin the handicapping process by eliminating non-contenders.
They then study the remaining ‘contenders’ to determine if they have a play.
This very logical method of contender selection is the premise of a powerful new study from author Alton Nichols entitled Contenders & Pretenders!

A Proven Way to Eliminate The Losers & Focus on the Winners!
Just about every professional in the racing game will tell you that they begin the handicapping process by eliminating non-contenders.
They then study the remaining ‘contenders’ to determine if they have a play.
This very logical method of contender selection is the premise of a powerful new study from author Alton Nichols entitled Contenders & Pretenders!
Watch the VIDEO Click Here_____
Al has been at this game for a long, long time and has tracked hundreds of factors to determine which hold promise in the ultimate selection process that determines a winner.

Contenders & Pretenders! >>lays out the most effective ‘elimination’ rules in the game which, according to Al, possess ‘reliability factors of between 95% and 99%!
In otherwords, when you use Elimination Factor #1, for example, which has a 99% reliability quotient, you will be correct in eliminating a runner who falls under this factor 99 times out of 100.
Al also provides conditions for optimum use of the elimination factors which include distance, surface, class, age and past performance factors.
In addition, you’ll learn about ‘LCS’, a concept whose details we will explain briefly below, but is something the Pro’s have known about for years! In fact, it is so important, it takes up five full columns in the software!
By applying the concepts in Contenders & Pretenders!, you will save tons of dough by steering clear of runners who have little or no chance of winning, regardless of how good they may look on paper!
And when you’re ready to sort out your remaining contenders, the ‘added factors’ list will put you on the winner close to 37% (over 40% with Best Bets) of the time — win/place over 50% of the time.
You can do the figuring by hand or, of course, use the super-precision software and have everything done for you instantly.

Let’s talk about the Software
The Contenders & Pretenders! is a programming work of art. Len has programmed in not only dozens of elimination/contention factors, but also extended subsets of each factor. For example, a contention factor may read: ‘finished withing 2-1/2 lengths of winner in most recent race’, which is great, but Len then goes on to modify it in another column to say ‘finished within 2-1/2 lengths of the winner in most recent race and also gained at least two lengths in the stretch’, and there are further modifications after that.
In fact, if you look at the example below, you will see the first screen, then the second screen when you scroll over, and after that there are several more screens, all containing the data that goes into MAKING THIS SOFTWARE SO DARNED PREDICTIVE AND PRECISE!
You will find several examples below. Note the incredible diversity ‘muscle’ this program projects: High Win, Win/Place %s; Exacta/Trifecta Expertise; Best Bets at lower M/L odds that strike over 40% of the time; an algorithm that finds live first time starters, etc.
LCS: Also, in situations where the TOP HORSE TC has a point advantage of 1,000 points or more, that is usually because the LCS (Lowest Class Since) Factor kicked in. These are horses who are at a class level, a lower class level, that they have not been at since their last win. This is a predictive move that many professionals use, but few among the betting public are aware. This involves several columns, including not only class, but recent odds, earning on today’s surface, in the money % at today’s class level, etc. So a horse with a 1,000+ point advantage in TOT often has more going for it than just a high accumulation of points, making it a solid play.
It’s a very COMPLETE program that presents the users with many lucrative wagering options.

NOTE: To become a TOP HORSE TC play, a horse must have a minimum of a 300-point edge in the TOT column over the second highest scorer. If a top horse does not have that big of an edge, it will become a SOLID CONTENDER, providing it passes all the other rules in the race.
Contenders & Pretenders is one of the most accurate, price getting Exacta/Trifecta getters we have ever produced. @41% of all Exactas will be hit and 21% of Trifectas.
Another very interesting aspect of Contenders & Pretenders is that Len has found a way to locate ready to pop First Time Starters. These horses will show up in the Longshot Special Box.
Top Scoring Best Bet horses (those listed in the TOP HORSE TC box) will run 1st or 2nd over 55% of the time when at odds between 7/5 and 3/1, so it is always wise to bet these horses both to win and place.
So this is pretty much a No Brainer.
Contenders & Pretenders! is a System/Software that will do what most handicappers long to accomplish but simply can’t: Effectively eliminate the ‘pretenders’, isolate the TRUE Contenders & locate a steady, consistent diet of winners from those contenders.
And this, very simply, is exactly what the Software does for you!
And, thanks to the deal we have with Al, we have kept the price under $100 for the software. And, of course, you can use our 3-payment/no interest plan if you wish.
So call us at 1-800-696-0067 or order from our website. You will really, really like this one – That’s a promise!
Contenders & Pretenders Software $117.00 $77.77
Hard Copy $55.00
Ebook $47.88
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Contenders/Pretenders | Ebook, Hard Copy, Software |