It’s Summertime & the Handicapping is Easy(er)! Check out our Coming Products for the Most Formful Time of the Year! Stanley, Shwartz, Worth Company & More!!

It’s true. The handicapping is easier during the warm summer months. With cold, wet tracks mostly behind us, racing becomes much more ‘Formful’ and Consistent, allowing the prudent player to cash many more tickets in both the straight and exotic pools.
And, to help you even more, a lot more, in that quest, we are offering several NEW, Excellent products for your Summer Enjoyment! Read on:
Arthur Stanley’s POWER-LYNK!
Translating HIDDEN CLASS Into Consistency & High Average Mutuels!
We’ve always wanted to program some of Arthur Stanley’s excellent work, and offered his The Money Horse a couple months ago, which received a great reception. We have more from Arthur Stanley in store, and his best selling Power Lynk Strategy will make its debut soon.
WHAT IS POWER LYNK? POWER LYNK is the unique blending of two fundamental power handicapping parameters resulting in a strong selection methodology. Simple and easy to use – POWER LYNK FULLY EXPLOITS HIDDEN CLASS!
With POWER LYNK and its strength of selection, your money will always be on a ‘live’ horse with a true performance background edge!
The POWER LYNK! play will be the tightly wired “hot” horse exhibiting discrete running trends that are linked to a class edge…It is great for straight wagers as well as ‘Keys’ in the exotics.
A unique algorithm eliminates ‘unfit’ (out of form) horses with a low probability of running a good race.
It will then flag the horse ‘Readiest’ (if that’s a word!) horse with excellent accuracy.
There is not a play in every race – average of 3 to 4 best bets per racecard. A conservative, high average mutuel methodology that can be used with Confidence.
An Absolutely Fabulous Selection Package, for a Super Introductory Price – DEL MAR & SARATOGA!!
The Premier Summer Meets!
Rob Henie’s East Coast & West Coast Handicapping Service — #1 in the USA!!
Rob has shown profits at FOUR Consecutive Del Mar Meetings, as well as Three out of the last four Saratoga Meetings! And he has done this not just with his ‘Best Bets’, which show an even healthier ROI, but with Every Top Pick.
👉👉In otherwords, had you simply played every one of his top picks, for example there were 324 total races at Del Mar last summer, you would have turned a profit of +11%. That’s with no thinking, no handicapping on your part: just play the top pick! Had you stuck to just his Best Bets, which average between two and four per racing day, that ROI would have more than doubled.
His Clients include some of the biggest names in racing, Handicappers, Trainers, many, many Prominent Owners, etc.
He Provides Selections & Analysis for Every Race – Every Racing Day!
Includes Rob’s ‘GREEN FLASH’ Selected Best Bets!
>>>“That fellow sitting next to you cashing all those tickets may be a Pro — or, more likely, he is a subscriber to Rob Henie’s Selection Service! “
“If you are not willing to spend less than half the price of a Starbucks cup of coffee per day to have one of the foremost handicappers in the country guide you, then you are probably not that interested in winning at the races.“ Tom Console
You really need to give Rob’s Service a Try. Take the handicapping burden off of you and just sit back and relax and let Rob and his team to all of the work!
The Formula!
And still more from Arthur Stanley, this time in tandem with co-author Stanley Keeler, who is also a long time beta tester and consultant for RPM. So it’s Stanley and Stanley, producing a unique winner getter with high average mutuels that focuses on Energy going into and coming off of turns.
Not ‘turn time’, necessarily, 👉👉but Energy gained or lost at these points in the race.
The FORMULA! is an amazing handicapping advisory the likes of which you have never seen before. It is a selection technique that is completely unused by 99% of the racing public! (no hype here – it really is a method that the vast majority of players have never seen).
The ingenious method produces a steady stream of high-priced overlay plays capitalizing on a precise sequence of crucial performance efforts and condition recovery situations.
Prior to now, these lucrative wagering opportunities were only visible to those “in the know”, i.e, sharp handicappers and stables.
The FORMULA! will now give you too the valuable ability to highlight the sharp and fit horse that is ready to run a powerfully “energetic” race. You will know when this race will be run, and more importantly…why!

NEW From Dave ‘Thorobrain’ Schwartz!
Dave Schwartz is one of the the true pioneers in the arena of data handicapping and he offers some of the most extensively tested and proven methodologies and bankroll strategies in the game.
A premier member of the Sartin Group, Dave has guided countless fans through the handicapping ‘weeds’, so to speak, and out into the field of dreams that promise steady and consistent, profitable play.
We recently offered his HorseMarket Investing Video Seminar, which has sold over 17,000 copies since first publication, and we are pleased with how many of you contacted us to say how much you enjoyed it. One of our customers called it ‘some of the most insightful material I have ever seen after almost 55 years at this game.’
This go around we will be offering his NEWPACE: Early vs. Late Video Seminar, as well as his NEWPACE Advanced Workshop. Here:
NEWPACE: Early vs. Late Video Seminar
NewPace – A New Twist on an Established Horse Handicapping Approach
The NewPace seminar is a new take on pace handicapping. I know many of you have been using pace in your handicapping for years. I’m not telling you that you had it wrong all these years. 👉👉I’m telling you this is a better way. And it is very different.
In the conventional approach to pace handicapping, what I like to call “Sartinian Pace,” (named after the father of pace handicapping, Howard Sartin) – you have the first call, the second call, and the stretch run. The emphasis in conventional pace is, “Where is the winner at a given point in the race?”
The second call, commonly referred to as “EP” or “Early Pace,” is usually considered the most important call in racing. 👉👉In the NewPace seminar I will show you that not only is EP not the most important call in the race, it is actually the least important call!
I know that at this point some of you are prepared to stop reading but don’t give up on me yet because I’m going to prove it to you. When all is said and done in this seminar what you were going to see is that every race ultimately comes down to a battle of early versus late.
Every single race.
NEWPACE Advanced Workshop:
NewPace is a great product.
And it is about to become even better.
In this 2-hour Live workshop Dave Schwartz will teach you:
A better, faster way to isolate the early horses with NewPace.
A system for tossing out Need-to-Lead horses who are not likely to sustain their effort to the finish line even if they get the lead.
Why you no longer need a ‘swing’ horse.
An improved Regression Speed Sort Object for Late Horses.
In addition, you will learn:
When you should put in NO early horses at all.
When there will be a cavalry charge in the stretch and extra late horses should be added.
A systematic approach to determining when a low-priced contender can be bet against.
Note: This workshop is only for purchasers of the NewPace Video Seminar, which is described above, as you will need this information to benefit from the Advanced Workshop. And you will get a nice discount when purchasing both.

Jon Worth’s
The S-UDB Place/Show Profit-Maker!
-Extremely Easy To Use – Just Minutes to Handicap an Entire Card- Instantly with the Software!
-Averages 3 to 4 Solid Plays Per Card – Big Prices Not Uncommon-
–Extremely Consistent – Runouts are Virtually Non-Existent–
–Steadily Increases Your Bankroll–
So watch for these – you will be very pleased with each and every one of these great new Products.
Call us at 1-800-696-0067 if you have any questions. Here’s to an exciting, relaxing and profitable summer for all!