>>>>Our guarantee policy firmly states that if you don’t like a product, for any reason, you can send it back for a full refund at ANY time. And the pricing is great to boot! Just $45.88 for the Ebook, $55.00 for the hard copy and just
$45.88 – $69.88
Bert Norman’s SPEED KEY!
A Unique Speed/Class Formulation Where Contenders hit the board More Often than Not!

Most of you are no doubt aware that Bert Norman is one of the most prolific creators of Profitable Handicapping Systems in the country.
He boasts a string of high ratings from Phillips Racing Newsletter, the ‘consumer reports’ of the horse racing system/software industry.
Bert, who is the Originator of Quick Figure Handicapping©, Praised By Top Handicappers Tom Brohammer and Dr. Howard Sartin As The Best ‘Figure’ Methodology Ever Developed,—
— also Created The Ultimate Speed Handicapping Methodology, which he called SPEED KEY! – – An Ingenious Formula that, when combined with his extremely clever and viable Class Rating Equation, pops out winner after winner and also boasts extremely high place and show %s.
See The Video Click Here____
‘I recall that Beyer commented once that Bert Norman calculated an extremely complicated speed figure.’ Dave Simpson. Brooklyn
‘In the early 90s, I hung out with a money-making professional horseplayer who had no other income, a rare animal indeed. One day, I was scoffing at some of Bert Norman’s stuff when my pal took exceptions. He said that when a race totally baffled him, he would use a Norman system. He had good results doing that and swore by them. Bert wrote a lot of stuff and I now realize what a great handicapper he was.’ Dan Feldman, Dallas
‘I just noticed some of Bert Norman’s methods on ebay sold for $122.00, Speed Key, & a private play method.’ John Evans, San Diego
Here we are revealing the first page of Norman’s Speed Key! method. It is sure to intrigue you, and it should!
You’ll note that Bert provided a couple of examples above – do you maybe see some clues as to what is going on here? Below is a more recent example (December 3 at Golden Gate) – a total Speed Key no-brainer!

Speed Key, the Software!
The Speed Key software has been meticulously designed to incorporate all of Bert’s original features, including his Longshot and Maiden plays, while also including special ‘Bonus’ messages that key the player into which selections are most likely to run big. Let’s take a look.
Most handicappers would agree that Oaklawn Park is one of the most difficult of handicapping assignments, especially early on in the meet. But on Opening Day of the 2021/2022 meeting, Speed Key begged to differ.
Take Charge Erica scored easily. Diva De Kela ran 3rd.
Also, in the 9th race, top pick Palm Cottage ran 2nd at 4/1.

☞Speed Key works well at all tracks, small and large. At Charles Town on December 3rd, Speed Key tabbed four winners and some pricey in-the-money hits.
Turfway Park
Golden Gate
Woodbine on a Snowy Day

‘Why are Bert Norman’s systems some of the best ever written? Because much like Mark Cramer, Bert thinks ‘outside the box’. His formulas are anything but ‘conventional’, and that’s why they work so well. The hallmark of Bert’s systems is much above average win mutuel prices. Most of his systems average $10+ win mutuels at a 31%+ win clip. Stick with any of Bert’s Premier systems like Quick Figure Plus, Consistency Plus, Speed Key, etc., and you will be well rewarded over the long run.’ Bob Shurig, author, The Safe & Sure Method
‘One of the great things about Speed Key is that besides the Main Selection, Bert also includes a Longshot angle and a very, very accurate Maiden angle. Speed Key provides the player the perfect ‘mix’, opening up opportunities in so many different types of races.’ Hal Miller, Miami, FL
Sooo ….. With Speed Key!
You get not only Bert’s Unique and super accurate Speed Key! plays, but also his Longshot Formula Selector (which hits close to 22% of the time at nice prices by the way) and his Maiden Formula Selector which pops close to 32% of the time, again with some nice prices.
>>>>Also, when you order the software, you also get The Original Speed Key Method, FREE!! in hard copy or ebook! ☛Now that’s a sweet deal!
You are really going to like this one, and >>remember, you have absolutely nothing to lose by giving it a try.
>>>>Our guarantee policy firmly states that if you don’t like a product, for any reason, you can send it back for a full refund at ANY time. And the pricing is great to boot! Just $45.88 for the Ebook, $55.00 for the hard copy and just $97.50 $69.88 for the software!!
So Call Us at 1-800-696-0067 or order from our website, and do call us if you have any questions whatsoever. Thank You!
The Speed Key Ebook $45.88
The Speed Key Hard Copy $55.00
The Speed Key Software SALE!!! $69.88
Additional information
Speed Key | Ebook, Hard Copy, Software |