Al Bozzi’s POT OF GOLD!! From one of the True Masters of the Game! One of the most Successful Handicappers of All TIME!! Superb Consistency!!


Works at All Tracks including Quarter Horse races

High Win %

Very High Win % with Single Qualifiers & Horses with A TOT Score of +3 points.

Uniquely weaves Speed & Class into Singularly Powerful Pace Rating.

Connections Column (CONN) combine Jockey/Trainer %s in a unique algorithm that adds to the Power of the Program.

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From Steve Davidowitz’s ‘Masters of the Game — The Best Handicappers of All Time’ this:

Chapter 3 — Al Bozzi. Al Bozzi had a ‘gimmick’.  He realized it was very difficult to make a go of it at the track, and despite being an excellent handicapper, he realized that he needed something ‘extra’ to enjoy consistency at the races.”

‘So I knew that I needed some kind of gimmick that most track patrons were totally unaware of,’ Al tells us.  ‘Fortunately our group of three, which has been together since the early 1950s, had come up with several under the radar factors that often led to a big payday.  I first introduced the compilation of these factors in my book Bucks & Deuces and found a way to filter these Power factors into just two, and the result of that streamlining became the selection basis for my Pot Of Gold.’

‘Al literally became a legend at Suffolk Downs in its heyday, a track that I cut my handicapping teeth on, and often partnering with Andy Beyer there, we knew that Al Bozzi was one of a kind.  His history is checkered to say the least, as he ran ‘the wire’ (past posting) many times, found a way to duplicate mutuel tickets, etc., but he left that all behind when he hit on his ‘gimmick(s)’.  So if you get a chance to digest any of Al Bozzi’s work, you are in for a treat.’


Al Bozzi’s POT OF GOLD!!


Al Bozzi developed an absolutely amazing methodology that involved very little handicapping — but required watching the Tote.

Nowadays, with so much money coming in after the horses break from the gate and the odds fluctuate wildly, the method became less effective.

👉👉But leave it to our programmer, Len Cz, to ‘adapt’ this method to a workable, solid, high % win/place/show software program.

In the original book, Len found many concepts and hints that enabled him to employ the bulk of the original system and then using past odds to overcome the tote-watching aspect.

And, it works even better than the original!

Strong, Strong Consistency.  Single qualifiers win close to 42% of the time and hit the board over 81% of the time,  A real Goodie!


Pot Of Gold! is a super versatile software program that hits at a high % rate, up to 44% in certain situations, is capable of getting great prices and is also a great Exacta tool.

Works at all tracks, large and small, hits at a 35%+ rate on Quarter Horses (top pick) and most of all is very Consistent.  Check out the results below:



Pot Of Gold:

Works at All Tracks including Quarter Horse races

High Win %

Very High Win % with Single Qualifiers & Horses with A TOT Score of +3 points.

Uniquely weaves Speed & Class into Singularly Powerful Pace Rating.

Connections Column (CONN) combine Jockey/Trainer %s in a unique algorithm that adds to the Power of the Program.



Priced Very Fairly at just $97.50, call us at 1-800-696-0067 or order from our website.  And do Call with any Questions.