You do know, of course, that the Pace of the Race can differ markedly from the Pace of the Individual Runner, right?
You do know, of course, that the Pace of the Race can differ markedly from the Pace of the Individual Runner, right?

While a horse that goes wire to wire gets the same pace ratings as the race does, most horses pace ratings have to be adjusted by beaten lengths at various calls.
See the Video Click Here___
Now, while most pace theory/systems/methods, etc., concentrate on the individual runner, and how he fared at each call, either in fifths of seconds or in feet per second, few take into account the overall pace of the race, which basically means the fractions and final running time of the race. So let’s say a race was run in 22.3, 45.4 & 111.2, those figures would comprise the ‘pace’ of the race.
But for an individual horse, who may have been two lengths back at the 1st call, his time would be 23.0 at that call (using the 1 length = 1/5 of a second measurement), and one length back at the 2nd call, his time would be 46.0, and if he won the race his time would be 111.2, so his overall pace rating would be different than the pace of the race, likely higher than the overall pace of the race, as his closing time was superior (last fraction 25.2 as opposed to last race time fraction of 25.3).
But what if there were a way to combine the pace of the actual race with the pace of the individual runner, into one pace number, and then adjusting for certain variants, like comparing this runner’s time to the actual par times for fractions run at this track and at this distance, as well as charting his running style (Leaders, Chasers, Mid-Pack, Back) from previous races to predict his likely pace position today?
Well, one would think that you would be looking at a number that is very, very predictive.
And, that is exactly what we found when applying this theory to real races over a 191,000+ database study.
We call it Perfect Pace!,
as it uniquely combines the primary elements of Sartin-Style Pace Theory along with Len’s ‘Total Race/Total Pace Theorem’ into a Predictive Pace program that provides the user with the major pace players in races up to 1-1/8 Miles, dirt and turf!
It’s a Goodie!
👉👉Check the below out.
Now, this won’t happen often, but the fact that these wins often ‘bunch’ up on some cards, and the fact that situations like the below have happened more than once, tells you that these kinds of hits are hardly ‘flukes’ — that the program is definitely seeing something that the general public does not — that the Pace formulation is super, super sound.
Here’s a Neat Little Trick that will Pay Some Great Dividends👇
“I know, deep in my heart, that success at this game revolves around a solid understanding of Pace, but there are so many relatively sound theories that it is difficult to know when to use which. But it certainly appears that you have combined truly predictive patterns in the Perfect Pace software program. The results are very steady and double digit winners pop up nearly every day.” Luke Sanborne, Miami, FL
“I tested several hundred races when I first got your program and was thrilled with the results. It’s the kind of program that keeps you in the game with frequent wins/places in the 2/1 to 6/1 range, and then pops with good prices often as well. I’m looking at an average mutuel close to $9.20 and a win rate of @34% following the wagering rules you lay out in the manual. I match this one up with your PaceAce program in sprints and the results are even better.” Phillip Barnes, Dallas, TX
“It’s funny, I have been at this game for over 50 years now and think I’ve seen everything, and then something like Perfect Pace comes along that looks like a whole new theory on racing’s most important predictive factor. Good work!” Barry Newman, E. Hartford, CT
“This is good! I love the fact that runouts on the win end are brief and runouts on the place and show end are almost non-existent. I have found several racecards where 70% or more of the picks run 1st or 2nd. Tested the most recent Keeneland meet and Perfect Pace hit a large % of the bigger prices. Thanks for this.” Larry Crosby, Louisville, KY.

How It Works
The Perfect Pace Program! analyzes several aspects of pace. Working in the background are turn time calculations, final fraction considerations, 2nd and 3rd fraction time compared to par for today’s distance, jockey/trainer plus or minus points, etc.
(People often ask why we don’t show the background algorithms on the main screen. The reason is that there simply is not enough room and with the various calculations receiving ‘weightings’ as far as importance goes it would be very confusing even if we could list them all.)
The software looks at the adjusted pace of each horse’s last three races (averaged), and then draws a direct comparison to the total pace calculation of the the actual race (see above for a clearer explanation). The TOT column is where the main selection(s) is made from points accumulated from the columns to the right which represent points of calls and beaten lengths.
Note that the LOWEST numbers are considered best, as they reflect a horse who was able to stay in close touch with the leader(s) or fractional times in his most recent races.
Note also the Comments column. In this column you will find the reason why a horse did not qualify for a final rating. Now, of course, some of these horses will run well, but overall we have found that recency, bad finishes without excuse in most recent race and low % jocks and trainers the best disqualifiers we tested.
The Perfect Pace Top Contender is normally the best overall play. However, in the Pure Pace Leader box, 👉you will find lucrative opportunities as well and those are explained in the user’s guide.
So this one is pretty much a no-brainer.
With Perfect Pace! you have a program that not only synthesizes traditional predictive Pace analysis, but adds a few fascinating twists that insure consistent accuracy and big prices at distances up to 1-1/8 miles, turf and dirt.
Perfect Pace!, given the amount of research and programming required, and the fact that it performs brilliantly just about everywhere, is very reasonably priced at $128. And chances are very, very good that you will recover your purchase price quickly, as you are almost certain to hit a handful of double digit goodies quickly. And, of course, if you find Perfect Pace is not for you, you can exchange it or return it for a full refund.
Call us at 1-800-696-0067 or order from our website. Thanks, as always, Dave & Len
Call us with any questions.Â
The Perfect Pace Software Program