Quick Backstory – How a Couple of Handicapping Brainiacs Devised A Very Profitable System, and How a Major Manufacturer Adapted it into A Very, Very Popular Handicapping Tool!

Quick Backstory – How a Couple of Handicapping Brainiacs Devised A Very Profitable System, and How a Major Manufacturer Adapted it into A Very, Very Popular Handicapping Tool!
If you are over 45, you are likely well aware who Mr. ‘A’ is. But quickly he is an all time best-selling handicapping author, with many, many works on both thoroughbred and harness handicapping.
He preceded the best selling Andy Beyer books by several years and Andy’s books still haven’t caught up in sales. Overall, he was likely responsible for turning fledgling fans into serious handicappers and introducing tens of thousands of fans to the sport..
Unless you lived in Southern California in the 1970s and 80s, you are likely unfamiliar with Frank Nichols, but he was a handicapping genius in his own right.
As horse racing columnist/handicapper for the San Diego Union Tribune he was one of the few national handicapping selectors who showed profits on his top picks for several racemeets. Frank & Mr. A often hung out during the Del Mar and Santa Anita meetings. (A quick note here: I got to know Frank via his daughter, Joyce, who happened to be my best friend’s girlfriend, although it wasn’t until fairly recently that I became aware of the background of the details we are currently discussing.)
Now, during their commiserations, and since they were both handicapping writers, they floated many possible theories on how to develop the ‘ultimate’ methodology. They realized, though most of their writings focused on single factors, such as speed, class, pace, trainer, etc., that there was no way a single factor could produce an actual profit over the long term.
And though there were several methods out there that examined multiple factors and worked well, including Mr. A’s Private Racebook Method, they surmised that there was a way to do even better.
They actually marketed a couple of systems under different names: Class/Pace Efficiency and Racetrack Telepathy: A Guide to Train Your Brain to Focus on the Strongest Handicapping Factors, but they weren’t overly pleased with the long term results.
Then, from what I understand from Frank’s daughter, Joyce, they worked on produced something that she said ‘had her father smiling from ear to ear, which was unusual, since he was not a smiley type of guy.’
What they had developed they called The Top Class Horse Race Analyzer Module (ANTAM). It involved multiple factors, neatly woven into a single methodology that provided consistency, high average win/place mutuels, great, great prices and short runouts.

🤔But you never heard of it, you say?
👉Well, we’ll tell you the reason why, and this is absolutely fascinating:
Not sure of the exact circumstances, but somehow a major manufacturing company got wind of it and purchased the rights to the methodology, and created an electronic tool, with close to the same name, which sold tens of thousands of copies. Don’t want to mention the name of this company, or the exact name of the device, but chances are many of you were or are in possession of this item.
But we will tell you that now that we have got it on modern day, state of the art, AI assisted Software, that it easily outperforms the original, which involved a tedious process to say the least.
Now, with just a couple of clicks of your mouse, you will enjoy the same, steady, consistent & often pricey results that we realized in our database study. Take a look:
Take a look at the Full Cards Below. You will get results like this on a regular basis. You will get multiple on the board hits on the majority of racecards.

Oaklawn, 4/19
Keeneland 4/20
Looking at The Columns: A Unique Set of Factors that When Combined produce Superlative Results
LAST: Days since last race.
TOT: Total of Points from columns to the right.
PP: Data Analysis of up to 7 Recent pps that measure pace, speed, final fraction and turn time
VC: Volocity/Class Measurement; takes into account mid race velocity at today’s or lower class level
PC: Pace/Class Measurement; 4 or 6 furlong measuring fraction at today’s or lower class level
TCC: Total Class Calculation using up to 7 races
AC: Actual Consistency; points awarded for on the board hit rate, 15 points max
Age: A determining factor where age may play a role, such as 3& up race where only one horse is older than 3
-1, -2, -3FIN: finish positions in last 3 races; acts as a qualifier to promote horses with steadier in the money finishes
-1MD: margin beaten in last race, a minus number means a winning effort
TRN%/JCK%: trainer & jockey year to date win %s

“I always appreciate the privilege of testing your software programs, and they almost always seem to exceed my expectations. Such is certainly the case with the new ANTAM Software program. When I first read the description of the columns and their functions, I immediately knew it would be something special. I did test it against my old horse race analyzer ‘computer’ and definitely see that your program far exceeds its results, though that oldie still does a good job though it takes 15 minutes to input a single race! ANTAM may be the most regular ‘price getter’ you have produced, though the consistency on average prices is also great. I have lost count of the number of $15 to $55 horses I have seen in my 1200 race study. Thanks for another great product, a true helper for players at any level of the game.” Dave Jenkins, Tulsa, OK
“Top Notch, as usual. I have seen so many cards with four or more winners, and not short prices by any means, that I am adding this one to my major arsenal, which includes many of your programs as well as others. Hit a $38 horse at Keeneland last week, a horse I never would have considered otherwise. Thanks!” Howard Moll, Houston, TX
We are really pleased with the way the programming turned out, as Len had to consolidate many factors, and eliminate some rule duplications. The end result is a product you can confidently use for the rest of your horseplaying days.
Given the work involved, we have priced ANTAM very reasonably at just $111.00. Take a shot with this one, you will be very pleased, We Promise!
And, of course if for some reason ANTAM is not for you, it is fully refundable or exchangeable.