$45.88 – $55.00
Denny Nash’s
THORO-PROFITS! Denny’s All TIME Best Seller!
A Straight-forward, Fail Safe Way for the Everyday Horseplayer to make Serious Money
Back in Print for a Limited Time Only!
Includes FREE!!! Denny’s THORO-ANGLES!!

Denny’s Intro
“What you must understand about the ideas presented in this book is that they are not traditional but at the same time they are in no way “groundbreaking”. Instead they are integrations of three worlds, the horseracing world, the financial world, and the world of psychology.
“You see one cannot exist without the other.
“Trainers, Jockeys, Owners, and even the Track have the same goal in mind – coming out a winner both emotionally and financially.
“What we’re going to cover first is what most horseracing texts gloss over, MONEY MANAGEMENT. You’ll learn how to manage it with the laser accuracy of a high-powered CFO!
“Not a penny will escape your hands without having a tremendous amount of leverage and the best chance of compounding steady profits, one on top of the other, over and over again.“
Denny Nash authored four best-selling handicapping systems/books: Bet to Win for a Living, The Greatest Horseracing System Ever Written, Watch & Win and his all-time Best Seller, THORO-PROFITS!
We have had the good fortune to obtain and release Bet To Win and Watch & Win, and we now feel very fortunate to have the privilege of releasing Denny’s all time Best Seller, THORO-PROFITS!
(We again have just a limited printing available (125 copies, hard and ebook)).

Denny is perhaps one of the most innovative Turf authors ever, in that he has a way of applying real-world situations in other areas of life to horseracing. Some of the Gems you will find in THORO-PROFITS:
A Money Management Plan that is virtually Fail-Safe when applied to Best Bets
How to Apply the Rule of 72 (a proven rule of profit from the financial industry) to Horse Racing
The Winner’s Mind-Set
Roll with the Pros, and Beat Them!
The Genius of Andy Beyer & the High Figure Best Bet
A Proven Way to Get 70% Winners and Profit by wagering on more than one horse in a race (this one is really neat!)
An amazingly simple Longshot System that produces a +31% ROI
☛☛Denny has proven that with the proper system of play, and with some discipline and patience, anyone can join the winners’ ranks at the racetrack, and he provides just that in all of his systems of play. No, you are not going to get rich, but think of how nice it would be to simply generate some extra pocket money on a fairly regular basis.

As Denny says:
“Experts around the world have claimed that it’s impossible to beat the races over time…that is, over time the odds are in favor of the track and you will ultimately lose. Oh really? Well with smart spot wagering you CAN in fact, put the odds in YOUR favor.
“We will show you how to set a reasonable goal, how to calculate a plan of action and then we will show you a way to play only horses that will show a substantial profit when they win.
“Finally, we’ll put it all together into a comprehensive package that will work the whole idea from beginning to end. Once you’re done, there will be nothing stopping you from reaching your goals.
When you purchase THORO-PROFITS!, you will also receive Denny’s THORO-ANGLES! for FREE!! THORO-ANGLES will help the player cement the knowledge obtained in THORO-PROFITS and expand his options for play.
Any player serious about improving his game to the point of making profits will benefit immensely from THORO-PROFITS! So give us a call 1-800-696-0067 or order from our website.
☛☛Again, we have just 125 copies to sell, so it would be wise to get your order in early. The Hard Copy is just $55.00 and the Ebook is just $45.88
Additional information
THORO-PROFITS | Hard Copy, Ebook |